How to split very long Black/Whitelist into multiple pages

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Joined: 28 Apr 2015 14:40

How to split very long Black/Whitelist into multiple pages

Post by maxkmv »

Is there any way to split "Black and Whitelists" to be displayed in multiple pages in E.F.A? As currently it loads everything into one page.

Don't ask why I need this, lets just say I have a lot of time at my hands, and I added over 100 thousand /24 subnets into Blacklist (all those pesky botnets with dynamic IP addresses) but adding more now crashes my Chrome when it attempts to load page.. I really want to block half of the Internet to make my database of botnets the largest in the world (yes, I am a maniac haha). When I am done and before I retire I will donate it to the rest of the world, so these fucking botnet owners can fucking die :twisted:
Posts: 49
Joined: 28 Mar 2018 22:26

Re: How to split very long Black/Whitelist into multiple pages

Post by mattch »

I dont have an answer to your question on how to split multiple pages but perhaps you can block from your firewall instead of efa since your working with ip blocks. Might keep your efa cpu load a little lower too :)

I use pfblockerng on my firewall which has many pre-compiled and updated lists of bots/bad ips/countries/etc/etc/etc to block, you can create your own lists too. It cut down the positive and false negative spams that hit my box, by a lot.
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