How does efa 4.x on centos 8 know my exchange users

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How does efa 4.x on centos 8 know my exchange users

Post by bostjanc »


Can you guys please explain Efa's 4.x behavior.

Currently we have IN PRODUCTION EFA- and Exchange2016.

Messages from internet to exchange2016 relays over EFA.

For external senders being able to deliver message to our internal mailboxes on Exchange we had to run this two scripts:

generate_list_for_esva.bat CONTENT

@Echo off
REM Creating list for PostFix (EFA)
REM This script and all of its companion files need to be in D:\Scripts or change the directories in this script
REM ROOTPASS needs to be changed to actual root password for ESVA server
PowerShell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -force
PowerShell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\ExShell.psc1" -Command "./generate_list_for_esva.ps1" > C:\scripts\postfix_users_from_exchange\email-recipients.txt
REM Upload list to EFA server (
C:\scripts\postfix_users_from_exchange\pscp.exe -pw MyPassword "C:\scripts\postfix_users_from_exchange\email-recipients.txt" root@
REM Reload PostFix map
C:\scripts\postfix_users_from_exchange\putty.exe -ssh -pw MyPassword -m C:\scripts\postfix_users_from_exchange\postfix_reload_map root@

foreach($mailaddress in Get-Recipient -domaincontroller -Resultsize unlimited | select -expand Emailaddresses | %{$_.SmtpAddress} | sort)
if (($mailaddress -like '*'))
$mailaddress+' OK'

We had created test environment:
- another Exchange2016
- Efa 4.x on CENTOS8

After running the EFA configuration wizard we can sucessfully test inbound and outbound mail flow.
What is interested that external sender can send a message to exchange mailbox (relaying over efa) without needing to run those two scripts.
How come EFA is able to deliver messages to exchange without those two scrips?
We haven't done any LDAP authentication in EFA wizard so I am curios how EFA 4.x is able to handle recipient's addresses and EFA wasn't able to do that without those two scripts.

Please help me out.

With best regards
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Re: How does efa 4.x on centos 8 know my exchange users

Post by shawniverson »

eFa4 sends probes to verify deliverability.
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