How can I send from EFA to office365 while EFA hosted on Azure?

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How can I send from EFA to office365 while EFA hosted on Azure?

Post by zacmussatt »

Hi friends! I am exploring using Azure as my host for EFA, so that I can get my mail 100% out of on-premises. Azure has blocked outbound connections using port 25. I can request that it be unblocked, though I thought I might try to play their game and set it up without using that port.
SO. My root problem is that I cannot send from EFA using the connector that I have already configured:
Esentially in /etc/postfix/transport:

Code: Select all smtp []
I've tried a few lame ideas that have not worked out. For giggles, I tried using port 587, just by adding :587 at the name of the domain. This does cause post fix to try to use that port, but it doesn't work, it basically says that it's unauthenticated (I believe).

I have tried a relayhost, however for the mail that is flowing into efa it always uses the transport settings.

I tried commenting out the domain in the transport file... and of coarse my efa rejected the inbound mail.

AT THIS TIME I am not looking to relay my outbound mail through efa, I'm only looking to scan and forward on my inbound mail, so all that mail will always take the same path.
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Re: How can I send from EFA to office365 while EFA hosted on Azure?

Post by henk »

Do you need to authenticate, with user and pwd?
“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.” -Douglas Adams
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