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web interface update?

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:31
by bbrendon
I don't suppose this could somehow get more attention?

IMHO the web interface leaves a lot to be desired.

Re: web interface update?

Posted: 06 Mar 2020 19:53
by shawniverson
I agree. However, I'm just one person.

Re: web interface update?

Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:55
by pdwalker
bbrendon Are you offering to help?, because that's the fastest way to get things improved.

I've had a number of changes added to the mailwatch interface because I took the time to make the suggestion and provide a first attempt at implementing said feature. Sometimes the developers took the changes directly, sometimes they did it in a completely different, but better, fashion.

Many hands make for light work.

This applies to anyone who'd like to see changes in the web interface.