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Different "FROM"-attributes?

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 10:13
by dwmp

I have a question to the Mailwatch GUI. When I open a message (under "Recent messages" => clicking on the information icon of the according mail) I can see different fields of the message, like "ID", "Message Headers", "From", "To" etc. So far so good.

With spam mails, which try to pretend to come from one of our employees, I have the following problem. Within the field "Message Headers" there is also a "From" which contains the name and address of the employee and afterwards the actual sender mail address (some cryptic spam sender address).
But the field "From" contains ONLY the actual sender address.

So there is a difference between the content of the field "From" and the "From" WITHIN the field "Message Headers".
Does somebody know why? What is the difference between the two "From"s?
